Blue Zone at Home: A Food Supplement for Everyday Longevity


Life expectancy of Ikarian population

On the north side of the island of Ikaria, inhabitants live significantly longer than on the south side.
More than 300 parameters including genetics, clinical profiles, psychosocial factors, diet, environment, biochemistry, and socio socio-economic conditions are identical among populations living in both the northern and southern parts of the island.
What factor contributes to the notable difference in life expectancy between the two populations on the island?

Hard rocks and radiation

The north and northwest of the island are predominated by granite rocks, which naturally contain trace amounts of uranium and are known to emit low doses of gamma radiation.
To the south of the island, in contrast, limestone predominates and there is an absence of radiation.

Is Natural Radiation a Factor Connected with Longevity?

Natural radiation has been observed in several Blue Zones, regions known for the longevity of their populations. These regions, such as Ikaria (Greece), Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), and Loma Linda (USA), exhibit varying levels of natural radiation, particularly from radon. Here, we explore whether natural radiation plays a significant role in contributing to the longevity observed in these areas.

Radiation Levels in Blue Zones

Ikaria: Indoor radon levels are 583 Bq/m³, with spa areas exceeding 2600 Bq/m³​​.

Sardinia: Indoor radon levels range from 300 to 500 Bq/m³​​.

Okinawa: Indoor radon levels range from 200 to 400 Bq/m³ (average 155 Bq/m³ in Japan)​​.

Loma Linda: Indoor radon level is 148 Bq/m³, compared to the US average of 48.1 Bq/m³​​.

Nicoya: Data not available.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a reference indoor level for radon of 100 Bq/m³.

Comparison with Non-Blue Zone Regions

North Dakota (US)
• North Dakota often reports some of the highest radon levels in the country. This is due to the presence of uranium uranium-rich granites and other geological formations. The average indoor radon level in North Dakota is notably high at approximately 200 Bq/m3. This is significantly above the national average of 48.1 Bq/m3. The life expectancy in ND is 76.9 (for US 78,5).

Loma Linda (US)
• Indoor radon 148 Bq/m3 (48.1 average in US). The life expectancy in Loma Linda is 90 (for US 78,5).

While Blue Zones exhibit higher levels of natural radiation compared to their national averages, this factor alone does not conclusively explain the increased longevity in these regions. While it may play a contributory role, its effects are complex and can also heighten cancer risks.

Is eating habits an essential longevity factor in Blue Zones Zones?

In Blue Zones, regions known for high longevity, plant-based nutrition plays a pivotal role in promoting health and extending life expectancy. This diet primarily consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole
grains, which are rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants. These plant-based foods contribute to reduced inflammation and lower rates of chronic diseases, key factors in the enhanced longevity observed in these areas.

Facts about plant plant-based nutrition
While plant-based diets are associated with numerous health benefits, they do not universally guarantee increased longevity. This is evidenced by regions like the Mediterranean, where despite a similar diet, longevity rates do not match those of the Blue Zones.

Plant-based diets offer many health benefits but do not universally guarantee increased longevity. This is evident in regions like the Mediterranean, where similar diets do not result in the same longevity rates as seen in Blue Zones. Therefore, while plant-based nutrition is important, it is not the sole factor contributing to longevity in these areas.

Synergy Between Natural Radiation and Plant-Based Nutrition: A Key Factor in Blue Zones Longevity

Molecular Mechanism
1. Plants in the diets of populations across the five geographically distinct Blue Zones differ but are uniquely grown within these zones.
2. Plants grown in Blue Zones are exposed to radiation stress.
3. The defense mechanism of plants growing under radiation stress includes the synthesis of secondary metabolites through hormesis.
4. Plant secondary metabolites act as antioxidants, contributing to life extension by reducing oxidative stress, enhancing immune function, and modulating gene expression related to longevity.

A plant-based diet enriched with secondary metabolites from plants exposed to natural radiation stress is a critical factor in the extended longevity of populations in Blue Zones.

Selection of Secondary Metabolites Common to Plants Used in Diets of Blue Zones

By utilizing the electronic biology tool ( org/) to screen the PSC-db database, which contains 2,854 plant secondary metabolites, we identified 12 compounds with electronic properties essential for human nutrition ( 28529693/) that are common across all plants used in the diets of populations in Blue Zones were identified.

Activity against aging and aging-related disease of selected phytonutrients

Compound 1: Reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, which are often associated with aging.
Compound 2: Has been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer and heart disease, both of which are more prevalent in older adults.
Compound 3: Contributes to healthy aging by providing antioxidant properties, potentially reducing oxidative damage, supporting skin health, and mitigating the effects of aging on cellular membranes and tissues.
Compound 4: Promotes healthy aging through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and supporting overall cellular health.
Compound 5: May have protective effects against cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which are common in older adults.
Compound 6: Has potential benefits for blood vessel health, which could help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Compound 7: Supports healthy aging by maintaining brain function, reducing inflammation, and aiding in liver health, which collectively helps to mitigate age-related cognitive decline and chronic health conditions.
Compound 8: Promotes healthy aging by providing potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help protect against chronic diseases and support cognitive and cardiovascular health.
Compound 9: Supports healthy aging by offering strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which help to prevent DNA damage, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and promote cellular health.
Compound 10: Aids healthy aging by potentially alleviating age-related discomforts through its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief from muscle and joint pain commonly experienced with aging.
Compound 11: Supports healthy aging by exerting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, potentially reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory conditions.
Compound 12: Important for immune function and eye health, it may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support healthy aging.
Compound 13: It is important for eye health and may help reduce the risk of AMD and cataracts.
Compound 14: Helps prevent age-related conditions like osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.

Combinations of longevity phytonutrients for daily use

Optimizing the Binary Combination of Selected Phytonutrients for Daily Use Based on the Electronic Properties of Molecules Using Electronic Biology Tools


By adopting a carefully formulated supplement that mirrors the nutrient-rich diets of Blue Zones, essential phytonutrients can be incorporated into daily nutrition routines. This supplement offers the scientifically supported benefits of longevity, potentially contributing to life extension and enhancing overall health. By integrating the proven health advantages of the world’s longest-lived populations into daily routines, the essence of the Blue Zones can be brought into any home.